However, understanding the intimation sent under section 143 (1) isn’t always straightforward.
It is critical that a person read and understand this notice of income tax. This is because this letter informs you whether the income tax calculation you provided in your ITR matches the information held by the tax department.
The Section 143(1) intimation is password-protected. To open the file on your device enter your PAN in lowercase, followed by your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format. For example, if your PAN is ABCDE4321F and your birth date is 02/02/2000, the password to unlock the notification will be “abcde4321f02022000.”Time-limit
Assessment under section 143(1) can be made within a period of 9 months from the end of the financial year in which the return of income is filed.
Scope of assessment under section 143(1)
According to the income tax department website, Assessment under section 143(1) is like preliminary checking of the return of income. At this stage no detailed scrutiny of the return of income is carried out. At this stage, the total income or loss is computed after making the following adjustments (if any), namely:-
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