Common mistakes in filling of Income Tax Return

  • July 17, 2020
  • CA Chandan Agarwal's Office

The accurate and complete filling up of the relevant column or detail in the Income Tax Return (ITR) form is most crucial for correct calculation of income. In case the computation of Income or refund is different than what had been entered or what is expected, please verify the accuracy of the data entered by you in the ITR. Except for limited number of complicated tax returns, for most taxpayers, the simple check points are the following:

A. Mistakes in Filing of Personal Information Schedule of ITR

  • PAN: To be quoted correctly. The critical parameters such as name, date of birth, Sex & Status would get auto populated based on PAN database.
  • Name: To be matched with the “Name” mentioned in PAN.
  • Date of Birth: Mistakes here will result in computation of higher taxes in case of senior citizens.
  • Address: House/Flat no, City, PIN Code, are mandatory fields. Non filling will result in communications being sent to the PAN database address
  • E-mail Address: Needs to be filled correctly, email is the basis of all communications from CPC. Mistake will result in non-receipt of all intimations from CPC. Use of Auditor/Tax practitioner’s ID may be avoided.
  • Mobile No: Full Mobile number without use of +91 needs to be entered. This is essential for all SMS based communication.
  • Sex: Should be matched with PAN.
  • Status: Should be correctly filled.
  • Residential Status – the status of NOR and NRI should be mentioned only where applicable as they are not eligible for certain benefits available to resident assessee.

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